B.C. Square & Round Dance Federation
To preserve, promote and perpetuate Square Dancing, Round Dancing, Contra Dancing and other related forms of dancing in the Province of British Columbia
Also visit us on Facebook and X
November Newsletter
For promotional articles, editable posters and brochures!
Cross Trail News Online
A Vancouver Island Square & Round Dance Online magazine
Article from the Vernon Morning Star
for Square Dances in B.C.
Send your Club info to info@squaredance.bc.ca
Find a club wherever you are
in North America
(Check that your club info is up-to-date)
“Square Dancing is the perfect exercise.
It combines all positive aspects of intense physical exercise with none of the negative elements.”
Dr. Arron Blackburn
Region Chatter
submit your Chatter to: webmaster@squaredance.bc.ca
Article in the Williams Lake Tribune about Square Dancing https://www.wltribune.com/home/square-dancing-starts-up-in-williams-lake-sept-19-7527503
Congratulations to the Powell River dancers on 60 years of dancing
It takes alot of committed members to accomplish this.
All of us, dancers, board members, dance leaders put our hearts and volunteer hours into support of our clubs, but still clubs fade
That Powell River has been here for 60 years is quite an achievement
Congratulations to them and All the clubs that are here in 2024 !
You ALL deserve a yellow rock !
sincerely Mae Fawcett
vice president of BCSRD
Something very exciting happened June 9 to 14th in salmon arm bc Fourteen callers attended a caller school, nine brand new callers from BC, 2 brand new from Alberta, and three that attend to enhance their skills and find new ways to branch out.
Seven women and seven men! Everyone came away with new skills and raring to go. Watch your regions for flash mob dances, intro to dance similar to Brent's first Fridays,new callers joining the stage with established callers, some new caller only dances , and some new clubs starting up in the fallIn fact, one person has already had a first night calling at a mini club out of her homeThis is Great news for square dancing !
Mae Fawcette
1st Vice President

Okanagan Cloggin' 9th Clogover
June, 2024
The Okanagan Cloggin' group from Kelowna/West Kelowna had their 9th Clogover Vine Workshop in West Kelowna the weekend of June 7, 8, and 9 with 80 attendees. The workshop began on Friday night with a meet and greet/registration night to get all of the dancers together for a little bit of socialization. Clogging started early on Saturday morning with 2 halls - one for beginner/easy dances and one for intermediate dances, as well as a free "Intro to Clogging" session with 9 participants. The dance sessions went every hour with a break for lunch (served on-site) and dinner, and then re-convened for a fun dance in the evening from 7:00 to 9:30. Sunday the clogging session went from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, followed by a Sunday post-event activity of a wine tour and dinner at the Gasthaus restaurant in Peachland. Our featured instructor, Darolyn Pchajek from Winnipeg, MB kept the energetic group moving with a number of dances as well as other instructors: Barb Guenette from Nanaimo, BC; Ginny Bartes from Mesa, AZ; Mike McDow from Phoenix, AZ, Dan Rowan from Mesa, AZ; Elaine Brisebois from Cold Lake, AB; Shelley Duff from Langley, BC; and Barb Bizovie from West Kelowna. Participants were from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, BC, Washington State, Arizona, and Nevada. The Okanagan Cloggin' group did a wonderful job hosting the event and are planning to celebrate their 10th Clogover Vine Workshop in 2025 on June 6,7 and 8. Let's keep dancing!
Music Licensing
For Callers, Cuers and Leaders:
A license is required to use music for Square Dance, Round Dance, etc.
Tariff 19 license for dances
Tariff 22.D.1 for video
Photo and Video Permission
Dance events in BC may be filmed, recorded, and photographed by various individuals and/or the media.
These photos and recordings may be used for educational, archival or promotional purposes and may be included in future dance publications, videos and websites.
Unless otherwise stated, you agree to be filmed, recorded, or photographed for the above said purposes.
Please advise event organizers and/or photographers if you do not wish to have your image used.
COVID-19 Reminder
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the BCSRD Federation Executive advise that all members of the federation follow the guidelines of the BC Health Minister as to the Best Practices available for reducing the spread of this virus.