If you need a PDF document in Word or the Excel document in PDF
email bcfedtreasurer@gmail.com

Download the Excel document to complete using your computer or other device then print. Fillable pdf documents can be completed online then saved and printed, or downloaded and completed offline then printed, or downloaded and printed then completed by hand. (Note: If you are using Firefox the Word version may not download correctly – use a different browser such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

1. General Instructions

2. Caller/Cuer Association
Fillable PDF

3. Regional Association Summary
Fillable PDF

4a. Federation Club - Regional Association
Fillable PDF

4b. Club - no Regional Association
Fillable PDF

5. Club Dues to Regional Association

6. Sample Club Membership Listing
Excel download

7. Third Party Insurance Request
Fillable PDF

8. Contact Appointment and Consent
Fillable PDF