What is Round Dancing?
Round dancing is much like ballroom dancing with a few exceptions. Individual couples move in a circular, counter-clockwise pattern around the dance area. It is choreographed ahead of time and the “cuer” calls each move so the couples are dancing the same steps at the same time.
How Do I Know What to Dance?
A great deal of work goes into creating a round dance. First, the cuer will select a piece of music of his or her choice. As with square dancing, this does not conform to any specific artist, year or genre. The cuer will then add the different steps or figures to flow to the music. This is then written out on a cue sheet for use at the dance.

Round of the Month
The purpose of the Federation Round of the Month is to have a common dance taught and cued at the same time by all clubs in the Province so that dancers travelling to other clubs within the Province will be familiar with some of the dances being cued (the current and previous Rounds of the Month).